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Autore Hello!  (Letto 4817 volte)

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Offline Blakhart

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« il: 01 Apr 2012, 22:12:50 »
Hi! ciao

In first of all: hello lads! Sebastian, vel =LG=Blakhart here.

I m writing to you because of some business with front war based on bellum war.

With my friends we want to launch new front war based on Bellum and modificated to work with UP 3.0 RC4.

We test requests, parser, generator, etc.

We have some problems but different squads ( admins, programmers ) help us with our project.

Who I should ask from Italian crew about Bellum, etc ???

I dont remember who was main admin on il2war ;//  old times ;p

plz send me a pm or just post message in this topic ;)

If everything will be ok, i ll invite you to official start!!! Now we just test Stalingrad 1943 on 4.10.1.


I see that in Kyushu campaign there are new type of requests ??? Recons ???
We want to load in our campaign supply ground and recon if possible like in AW... Who could give me any info about adding new req ???


Offline LG965

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #1 il: 02 Apr 2012, 14:57:23 »
Hello Sebastian, wellcome here, I am a people's of "IL2WAR project".

Yes, the new IL2war is a new game philosophy, and is something different.

The master programmer (it's not me) has rewritten much of generator(15000rows) and parser(9000rows) files with a different logical.
Have also been rewritten the Stage files for creating templates.

I think it's very difficult to integrate this into the old bellum system. Everything can be done but must also be reasonable! :wink:

The project is finished but there are small bugs in the parser that are currently not resolved.
This happens because the file report produced by UP3rc4 is not complete.

The master programmer is away and has few time for future developments I think.

However, it would be nice to work together, maybe go along with the development.

I attach the new(betaversion) template manual, (in Italian unfortunately not yet translated) you will understand that there are so many different things.

You can read the game manual here

Seeyou, cheers  :smile:
« Ultima modifica: 02 Apr 2012, 19:10:59 da LG965 »
Un saluto e un sorriso rallegrano l'anima.
Non mi piace la cultura moderna basata sull'immagine, preferirei fosse basata sull'onore.

Offline JG53_Nibbio

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #2 il: 02 Apr 2012, 19:21:06 »

Hello people,
 ... I have done ​​with LG the brunt of the work.

The new philosophy introduced the game allows you to move ships, do battle with complicated cross-actions of the new design for the new potential of the game.

Unfortunately the time I have available for the development is finished, I can help you distance but do not write program lines.

I am happy to give you everything we've done as long as you manage to finish it.

There is much that remains to be done but for a job well done should be done.

It must be said that the template is now much more complex, because you must create the conditions appropriate to the potential variability of the game.

Difficle anything, just have time to work on.

at the next [pilot]

Offline JG53_Nibbio

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #3 il: 02 Apr 2012, 19:37:08 »

... about your questions.

The battle took place by turns.

The simulation of the battle is based on actions involving reconnaissance, attacks of various kinds, such as land or naval battles, and if supplies were also active boxes and parachute jumps.

So what does all that is expected to move in IL2, including a damage scenario generator based on the level of damage.

Have fun [pilot]

Offline Blakhart

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #4 il: 04 Apr 2012, 22:38:18 »
O...k...0_o... jeezzz

I didnt expect such answer...

Wow, I m impressed...I though IL2war project is completly dead and was left for hunger death ;///


We are working on Bellum now and my friends programmers learn step by step script, parser etc.

So we dont have big expectations as a beginners in this area.

Our main goal is to launch new "front war" and play some missions on HyperLobby.

We want to start with France 1940 and load next maps in chronological order.

My friends from 315sqn( RedVsBlue admins) made some program to read logs from UP 2.01, then guys from FI re worked it on and launch in FIBOW on HSFX 5.0. i think its a matter of short work to change it for UP 3.0 ( but im not an expert ;p )

I m with cooperation with 315 programmers and have his support, etc. He gave me some scripts ,etc. from RvsB but most of them was builded for 2.01.

I read manual and I think that such complicated version of campaign is good but only for experienced organised group of players.

We cant count on players from lobby and dont have enough experienced pilots, more of them are newbies so we just couldnt launch campaign with your script ;/// because I think that they wouldnt enjoy game ( too dificult for them ;/).

Im always responsable for my words so, for your proposition:

I think we are too fresh in this area to borrow some scripts from you and launch such complicated campaign ;/

My friends need to learn on easier version to understand basic rulez of coop front.

We have energy and people to work, but I cant promise that we will get over with all problems.

If we will move forward with project I will re reply.

Of course I Invite all Italian comunity ;) to our project.


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Offline Blakhart

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #5 il: 18 Apr 2012, 22:41:30 »
I wrote some message to LG965, but unfourtunatelly they wasnt delivered ( or I had some prob ).

I wished to ask if its possible to recive old il2 war maps (scripts, etc. ) like Battle of Britain, Greece, etc. from you to use it in our campaign ???

Now we test France 1940.

BTW with support 315_Adt we set some script to make UP 3.0 RC4 logs readable for parser :).

If you want we can share it.

If there is any possibility to decrease loadout options for planes in campaign ???

If yes, plz share script, info/manual.
« Ultima modifica: 18 Apr 2012, 22:50:23 da Blakhart »

Offline LG965

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #6 il: 18 Apr 2012, 22:54:57 »
sorry mate I was sure to sent the message... but then instead of distraction I did not,

but now it is   ciao
Un saluto e un sorriso rallegrano l'anima.
Non mi piace la cultura moderna basata sull'immagine, preferirei fosse basata sull'onore.

Offline JG53_Nibbio

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #7 il: 22 Apr 2012, 19:42:01 »

... much has been done,
need only make the template, if you accept some small bugs in the code.  :dirol:

if you all want to work, ... I will help!
I like the French front.

cordially [pilot]

Offline Blakhart

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #8 il: 14 Mag 2012, 17:27:04 »

Everyone welcome.

Host rights are initialy limited due to problems with some players ( rule breaking ).

For reg code send meesage on pager to

=LG/Dev=Skyman ( our tech chief )

Any help welcome, contact with Skyman he is working on our script, I cant help Im nor a programmer ;/

Hope to see you on slots, a lots of ppl come back.

JG300, 3xx, =RP=, =2ndSS=, and lot more old "front" veterans.

Sometimes we launch 16vs16 missions, full slots almost every night.

Offline Mikester

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #9 il: 17 Lug 2013, 00:04:02 »
Hello Sebastian, wellcome here, I am a people's of "IL2WAR project".

Yes, the new IL2war is a new game philosophy, and is something different.

The master programmer (it's not me) has rewritten much of generator(15000rows) and parser(9000rows) files with a different logical.
Have also been rewritten the Stage files for creating templates.

I think it's very difficult to integrate this into the old bellum system. Everything can be done but must also be reasonable! :wink:

The project is finished but there are small bugs in the parser that are currently not resolved.
This happens because the file report produced by UP3rc4 is not complete.

The master programmer is away and has few time for future developments I think.

However, it would be nice to work together, maybe go along with the development.

I attach the new(betaversion) template manual, (in Italian unfortunately not yet translated) you will understand that there are so many different things.

You can read the game manual here

Seeyou, cheers  :smile:

Hi Gents

Another year down the line I'm here to ask if this updated version on the Bellum war could be passed on?

In the wait for UP3.1 I'd like to create another online war using the great UP3.1 mod and all that goes with this.

In the past i've player the Bellum style war with the r/r/r in action and for me this really took the game to another level. Unfortunately this was broken when Zuti's updates were released (coop mode)  But I beleive this has been resolved.

I have the original Bellum engine setup and running but reading the improvements and time thats been put into this updated engine i'd be a fool not to ask to borrow it  :whistle:

If you would rather keep hold of the code I understand, someone has spent a lot of time on this and to just give away.... :rtfm:

Has the engine been completely re-written? still perl script?

I'd also like to change the code so missions are created in DF mode, coop takes a lot of time to get everyone ready and players are not queuing up like they used to.  Any thoughts on this? 

Thanks for reading..

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Offline Mikester

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #10 il: 18 Lug 2013, 16:55:17 »
No one wants to speak to me  :sorry:

Offline Ripley

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Re: Hello!
« Risposta #11 il: 18 Lug 2013, 17:24:07 »
Nooo don't cry!!  :sarcastic:

Really: I don't know how to answer to your question...
If somebody wants to answer, I'll translate that for you, meanwhile I translate your question.

Se qualcuno vuole rispondere, posso tradurre.

Mikester in pratica chiede se gli possiamo dare la bellum war aggiornata.
Nell'attesa di UP3.1, vorrebbe creare una nuova online war usando UP3 (penso che si sia sbagliato scrivendo 3.1).
Visti quanti sforzi sono stati fatti nell'aggiornamento dell'engine, sarebbe da matti non chiederne una copia.
Capisce comunque se invece preferiamo tenere per noi il codice.
Chiede se il motore è stato tutto riscritto da capo e se è ancora basato su script Perl.
Vorrebbe modificare il codice per permettere la creazione di missioni DF. Le COOP richiedono troppo tempo prima che tutti siano pronti. Cosa ne pensiamo di questo aspetto?
« Ultima modifica: 18 Lug 2013, 17:50:41 da Ripley »
Cougar 00736

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